Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ropes course

I went on a date to the ropes course we have in Rexburg. I was a little scared, but it turned out all right. I'm still here. I did have to sign a waiver in case I came crashing down...

Scary but fun. My heart dropped when I let go of the rope, but it was a blast! Oh yeah and I climbed one of the logs(not the dangling ones) in the background before this. Very challenging. It took all I had and that wasn't even enough! I was sore and numb from the cold rain. haha It was an experience!

If you think this picture looks awkward that's because it is. We had to swing on a rope from one platform to a log. The log was marked off and we were supposed to get everyone in between the markers. I was the last person to go and there wasn't any room left so this is what happened... I held on for dear life.

For this little team building activity you had to lean all of you weight on the other person as you slid along two ropes that got farther and farther away. We almost made it to the end!

1 comment:

Meg said...

That picture CRACKS me up. Everyone else looks totally calm and posed for the picture and your clinging to that guy with your eyes shut! Ha!