Barley fields forever...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Shelley, IDAHO
Shayla is from Shelley Idaho and it's a beautiful place. Idaho holds a special place in my heart.
Barley fields forever...
Barley fields forever...
Orchestra friends
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Happy Birthday to Megan!
I just want to reminisce for a minute.

The birthday couple!
It is my sister Megan's (and her husband Nate!! Happy Birthday to him!) birthday today and I miss her all the time!
Do you remember when I was in middle school and you were in High School and you brought me a note? Just a simple little note, but I loved it AND I still have it. I was so proud of you.
Do you remember when you got mad at me because my barbies would take over our room? You had good reason. You drew an imaginary line down the middle of our beds too! HA HA
Do you remember when you, Katherine, and I went to the Kenny Chesney and Tim McGraw concert? Priceless memory right there. Even though I did have to pay for my ticket and you and Katherine got tickets from Bill Gates. Hmm...
Do you remember when you would throw pillows at me during the night because I "breathed heavily" and then had mom take me to the doctor to get checked? YEAH. I think this is the funniest thing now. I'm sorry for any sleepless nights you had.
Do you remember when you would try and staighten or "scrunch" my hair? It never worked, but thanks for stepping in and trying. Fellow thick, wavy hair-ers unite!
Remember all the really cool, hip hairstyles you and I have ever had? Yeah, they aren't really that cool. I love how everytime you get you hair cut I want mine cut and I do it and vice versa.
Do you remember when I came to stay with you for a week at BYU? SO FUN! And that guy told me I looked older than his girlfriend? And I went bowling with you, Nate, and Scott Herd? Oh and Steve would come over and watch movies with me everyday while you were at school. That's kind of weird now that I think about it. And that guy Eric called me a "mini megan". Cute.
Do you remember when you had a soap opera with your barbies and you wouldn't let me play so I sat on your bed and watched? It was fascinating. It's where I learned how to really play with Barbies.
Do you remember when Katherine, Steph, and you and I all bought the shoes with the flower but you couldn't decide if you wanted pink or black so you bought both? I love that.
Do you remember when you, Kat and I would make and sell cotton candy at the Hospital on base? Good times, man. And remember how that guy told dad he was a little concerned that I would lick my hands after stuffing the cotton candy into the bag. That's pretty gross.
Remember when I came to visit your cute family for Thanksgiving? It was a good time. I love being with you guys!
Remember how I cried SO hard when you got married? I really didn't think I would see you again..haha Nate said something like, It's not like I'm never going to let you see her again..haha oh I love him!
I love you Megan! You're the most thoughtful, caring, funny, beautiful person! And might I add- Stylish! Yes, very stylish!
P.S. I really wish I had good pics of us..not that these pictures aren't smokin hot or anything!
The birthday couple!
Monday, July 13, 2009
So the demolition derby is one of the most entertaining/bizarre things I've ever seen. Being surrounded by hicks really set the atmosphere. It was great. I went with Shayla, her little sister, and that guy behind us-Travis. Sadly, none of my other roomies cared to see the blessed event.

College students like to be funny and dress up like rednecks for the occasion. I thought this group looked pretty good.
Cool fake mullet I saw. I saw some real ones too, but couldn't get a pic. That would be rude I guess.

You know, gotta take pictures of everything.
Glenn Beck was in this car, that's right people, GLENN BECK. I don't really know who he is, but I know he's a mormon convert and lots of people think he's funny.
College students like to be funny and dress up like rednecks for the occasion. I thought this group looked pretty good.
You know, gotta take pictures of everything.
Friday, July 10, 2009
orchestra concerto
My sweet grandpa came to hear my concert! He and Alice drove 6 hours all for a 2 hour concert only to turn around the next morning and head back to Roosevelt. So sweet of them.
These are for mom: (:
All the faithful supporters! Love you girls!
There I am! 

Nice candid shot of us. Alice was having too much fun with the camera!
We went to Applebee's after the concert.
I forgot to mention that Grandpa left me with a jar of change! It brought me back to the good old days when he and Grandma would save all their change and when the grandkids came for the reunions they would give it to us. The older cousins would pour out all the money on the floor and then count it. It was then divided evenly among each of the cousins. Of course we spent it on candy- what else is there?
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