The Friday before Halloween the elementary schools around Rexburg had their carnivals. They needed volunteers from BYUI and we thought it sounded like fun. Kassi, Brittany, and I were in charge of this monster operation "booth". The kids had to feel the hands(jello filled gloves), toes(green olives), Intestines(spaghetti), heart(frozen tomato), Brains( water beads. They couldn't see any of it except for the toes and hands. Some of those kids were so funny and WOULD NOT touch any of it! Others were a little smart alec-y and would say, "that's spaghetti!" It was really fun, but after two hours, we were so tired! It was only 7:30 when we were done, but it felt more like 10:00! There was a guy who was volunteering for a class that Stephanie got put with. At first we thought he was single. Brittany was like yeah Steph! I'm pretty good at scouting out the married guys, so I had to break it to them that he was married. Bummer for us!
Monday, November 3, 2008
I love, love, LOVE football games! Fall=football games. I just love sitting there all bundled up on the bleachers! The team playing was the Bruins. They're pretty much the only ones we care to watch because they're the BEST! BYU-I is kinda lame(only reason- oh wait, and the fact that the ratio of guys to girls is 1:3) because they did away with our football team, but they have their reasons. It started snowing randomly and if you haven't experienced the wind of Rexburg, it's merciless. The wind was blowing the snow directly into our faces, so for a while we couldn't watch the game. It only added to the experience!
Some of our old FHE bros asked us if we wanted to have a bonfire and go fourwheelin' and NATURALLY, we said HECK YES! We roasted some mallows and starbursts. If you've never experienced a toasted starburst, you HAVE to. I recommend the tropical flavors. We had fun and got a little crazy.
Homer Simpson
I despise him, but have since come to appreciate him SOMEWHAT for the icebreaker that he is.(I will never understand why guys get such a kick out of him.)
Just push the button and he dances, sings, and says phrases like, " England, who needs that? I'm never going to England." and my favorite, "Feeling stupid? I know I am!" Yes, Homer is an idiot and I get to listen to him say about seven different phrases and dance to two songs every time a new person comes over to our apartment. At one point two of my roommates and I put him in the closet because we were so tired of hearing his voice. This did not last long however, because the roommate he belongs to brought him back out. Oh well, we have to pick and choose our battles around here. Oh and he was about 100 big ones. I know EXACTLY what you're thinking...
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Buckets and Tap Shoes
This show was crazy! There were four guys who, in the beginning of the show, came down the aisle beating on drums. Two of the guys tap danced and the other two played the drums and the other the guitar. They were awesome. There were crazy lights and it was really loud! There were a few old couples who left at intermission. haha A big group of us went and this is just a picture of a few of us- Jared, Stephanie, Kassi, Me, Thomas. At the end of the show Thomas and Jared ran up on stage after they invited whoever wanted to to come up. They were up there banging away at some drums. It was so great!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Dad's Visit!
Dad was able to come home for two weeks then headed back to Afghanistan for 6 MORE months. It was so fun to have him home. We went to Denali for a few days and brought the good ol' trailer- who sleeps in tents these days? We saw some awesome animals-caribou, brown bears, red foxes, moose, dall sheep, and apparently there was a pack of wolves(I couldn't see anything, but everyone kept telling me they were there). The scenery here is truly breathtaking and the mountains are so majestic. As for the weather... this has been the worst Alaskan summer-EVER. We were fortunate enough to take the bus ride up to Denali on a sunny day. I'm sorry to say it's probably the last we've seen of the precious sun. We didn't see the famous mountain- McKinley, but we got a picture of the clouds covering it. That counts, right? While dad was here we also rafted the Eagle River. Katherine and Daniel came along for the ride too. We brought a cooler along and enjoyed the nice slow waters. Alaska is beautiful- there's no denying it! (The pictures go from bottom to top- in order).
Monday, July 21, 2008
WHOS in Rexburg?
Oh the joy of packing! This semester I was not going to procrastinate and leave all th
e packing AND cleaning for the last night. It was the WORST night of my life, along with my other roommates who did the same. For some reason we also thought it would be okay to go out to dinner. Worst idea ever. We were much smarter this time around and went to get ice cream the night before we all left. I started packing on Monday, so I could relieve some stress. It is pretty ridiculous how much stuff I have acquired over two semesters. I never look forward to packing it all up and moving it to storage. One of these days I'll widdle it down to maybe three or four boxes- compared to my seven boxes, two suitcases, and army duffel bag. I guess I'm just a girl!
Face squeeze
So not only did my roommate Brittany get a kick out of tickling us( all the time), she also loved to take our faces in her hands smoosh them together, grit her teeth and say "oooo I just love you so much!" I decided she needed a good face squeeze herself. She's hilarious and always made our apartment more cheery! Love that woman!
Slobbery Kisses
So I thought I'd just follow in my sister's footsteps and join the blogger world. It seemed like a fun idea and has been harder than I thought to come up with a name, template, etc. I'll probably end up changing it quite often. I got home Saturday night from Rexburg. Longest day. Ever. My lovely roommate, Stephanie and I took the beloved Salt Lake Shuttle to the SLC airport. We got up at 6:30-ish after going to bed at 4 and hopped on around 8. I'm just glad I had her shoulder to lay on. Whew! When we got to the airport it took us forever to find the Delta check in. It wasn't until I asked the nice, bubble gum bubble blowing, Twilight reading, customer service lady with her legs propped up on the desk that we learned it was in another building! When we checked in I learned that my bag was 72 pounds. Yeah, this is what I was expecting. What I wasn't expecting was to pay 80 BUCKAROOS! It's better than the 150 dollar offer I was given at first. He said that if I could get it under 70 pounds it would only be $80. What do they do with this money anyways? I was highly annoyed.I actually wanted to cry. Maybe I should have. The Delta worker next door told me to just take it out of "daddy's bank account". Pssh! What kind of a girl do I look like? Anyways, I am just so grateful I had Steph to keep me company for three hours before my flight. There was this Romanian airport worker who parked this elderly woman he was helping next to us. He was really talkative and started to tell us that he had 48 quarters and was asking how many he needed. This was all I heard so I chimed in and using my fingers proceeded to tell him that four quarters equalled 1 dollar. He looked at me and was like "no! I know that!" I guess he was actually just wondering how many states there were because he was collecting the state quarters. I am getting so sick of flying back and forth to Rexburg, but I always meet interesting people along the way!
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